Sunday, July 01, 2007

Big news! Gigi now 4&1/2, rolled over for the first time yesterday. She is growing so fast. The baby milestones seem to arrive much quicker when you are watching them for a second time. She continues to be a very easy and happy baby. I know its not fair:)

Big sister Abby finished her first week of vacation bible school on Friday and had a blast. She got to stay up late each night - VBS ended at 8:30. Staying up late has long been a dream of Abby's. She often says she wished she could stay up forever.

We had a great weekend. Summer is here. We went to the beach on Saturday as a family and met the Schultz's there. Abby played with Jed and Aaaron - such good kids. We had a great time. Abby played great with the boys. I tried to carry her ino the waves, but she would have none of that. She watched me take Aaron (almost two) into wast high water and thought she would brave the ocean too, but then was a bit spooked when we got wet. So, Ryan dug her a tide pool she splashed around in 6 inches of water:)

And then today, we went to church, napped and then back to the beach for a BBQ with friends. We arrived at 4pm and it was still about 80 degrees and beautiful. The beach was crowded and all picnic areas filled. What a great sight. Abby plays so well with other kids and she is able to self entertain so well. She sat in the sand and occupied herself until she warmed up the other kids (two boys). Then she had a great time. Jack chased her with seaweed... Shewatched the boys throw sand at each other and was amazed that they did not cry or get into trouble. Ahh a boys life.

Abby starts Zoo camp tomorrow. Its a long day, but I think she'll have a good time - and maybe she'll nap well. Her good friend Leighton will be there too. I'm going to try to get some work done. We'll see how it goes. I may have to bring in a "mommy's helper" to HELP.

Time Abby's reading time. More soon.

Friday, June 22, 2007


Another beautiful day. Maybe a day for the beach? Yesterday we had a pool party in the back yard. We bought this great pool at Costco last summer and its really been a hit with the kids this summer. We had 5 kids jumping in and out - on the slide, etc. Super fun!!

But I think today is definately a day for the beach. I've not been since Gigi was tiny, so it will be a little tougher to navigate with a squirmy 4 month old. I'm sure we'll have a great time.

Fridays are the best. I am alway so ready for the weekend. I love being home with the girls, but it wears me out. Weekends are my time to get a little bit of extra rest. Hats off to all working moms (Nicole - thats you). Its a big job being a mommy, but even harder when you add another responsibility into the mix.

I had a tough day yesterday. As I mentioned, I 've been staying up late sewing. Not too smart when sleep is interrupted by a 4 month old:) So, yesterday, I was super crabby and Abby saw it. She is so sensitive to my moods and can sense when mommy is about to melt down. It was so cute, when Ryan came home, I was super sensitive to anything he said and started to break down when Abby said, "she had a rough day." Too cute. She's only four, but is so wise. I love my girl.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Its a beautiful day. The sun is shining and its not even noon yet - no morning fog! Abby's watching Dora and Gianna is sleeping giving me a bit of time to write. Its a good day. Gianna slept for two four hour stretches, which was great. I needed the rest. I've been staying up too late sewing a dress for Abby. I wanted to finish last night and burned the midnight oil to do so. But - she is wearing it right now! Talk about instant gratification!

Gigi is up now - so we are off and running. More later. Chow!

Monday, June 18, 2007


Ahhh, the golden moment. Both girls are asleep and I have a little time to myself. This time is as precious as gold. Although I do love my girls, I need time to refresh and rest.

Abby is now done with preschool for the summer so the three of us are free to relax together. Today we went to Borders and read books together, did puzzles and had snacks. We talked about Fathers Day and Abby told me how she loved her daddy so much. She told me he was the boss of our house and that we should do whatever he wants us too:) Too cute, because if you know Ryan, you would know that he is anything but bossy.

The sun is finally out. We are in the midst of June Gloom - a time when we get fog in the morning which burns off to a nice mild afternoon. I explained this to Abby and she said "Well, I just call it fog, Mom." What a crack up she is.

Our good friend Marco Briolini leaves us today to begin work in Dublin Ireland. We are really excited for this new adventure in their lives (Kim, his wife, will be joining him in July), we are really sad to say goodbye. Marco and Kim have been great friends to us and we will really miss them. Abby will miss them too. They are like family to us. So, we will be on the lookout for cheap airfare to Ireland:) Here's to Kim and Marco! Be well and happy.

Over and out for now. Sarah

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day Dad

This is dedicated to my Dad.

I have a few really fond memories of special times with my dad. During my first year of college, I was terribly homesick. If I had owned a car, I would have gone home every weekend. Instead, my dad drove two and a half hours one way to pick me up and bring me home on the weekends. I never thought to be thankful for his sacrifice of time; I just enjoyed the time in the car with him and looked forward to that time each week. We would talk about school or a spiritual teaching we had listened too, or music we were listening too. I learned to appreciate my Dad's wisdom and compassion during these times.

I remember being a young girl and loving to read with my Daddy. Each night before bed, dad would collect my brother and I in my parents' big bed to read. He would read a portion of a CS Lewis Narnia or Paralandra series. My brother and I would fall asleep to my daddy's voice reading the words of one of the greatest authors of our time. It was a sweet time of cuddling, imagination, and words. I am sure my current love of reading was born from this time with Dad.

As I became an independent adult, my Dad remained my spiritual advisor of sorts. He was the first I would call when pondering a confusing portion of scripture. I was also sure to call him when I learned an exciting truth from studying the Bible. When I got married, Ryan and I both continued to glean wisdom from Dad as Ryan was learning to be the head of the house and I was learning to be a Godly wife. I so appreciate the wisdom he imparted to me and Ryan during these early years of adulthood.

Dad - thanks for being the father God called you to be. I love you and appreciate you!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Father's Day

Its almost fathers day and Abby just recorded her annual "Happy Fathers Day" video for daddy. So here is a little tribute to the daddy's in our life. Abby and Gianna are blessed, as am I. They are adored by their daddy and by their two Pappa's. I am so thankful that they have such great men in their live. And their daddy is awesome ~He is one of the most selfless people I've ever known. He is willing to drop what he's doing to play dolls, dress up or even "beauty salon". As I tell people, he is a great "girl" daddy. He works hard so that I can be home with our girls. But he makes time for us, which is so special. And he does this all with a willing and loving spirit.

Ryan - we love you so much and are so thankful for you and all you do. We are truly blessed. Happy Father's Day Daddy!