Another beautiful day. Maybe a day for the beach? Yesterday we had a pool party in the back yard. We bought this great pool at Costco last summer and its really been a hit with the kids this summer. We had 5 kids jumping in and out - on the slide, etc. Super fun!!
But I think today is definately a day for the beach. I've not been since Gigi was tiny, so it will be a little tougher to navigate with a squirmy 4 month old. I'm sure we'll have a great time.
Fridays are the best. I am alway so ready for the weekend. I love being home with the girls, but it wears me out. Weekends are my time to get a little bit of extra rest. Hats off to all working moms (Nicole - thats you). Its a big job being a mommy, but even harder when you add another responsibility into the mix.
I had a tough day yesterday. As I mentioned, I 've been staying up late sewing. Not too smart when sleep is interrupted by a 4 month old:) So, yesterday, I was super crabby and Abby saw it. She is so sensitive to my moods and can sense when mommy is about to melt down. It was so cute, when Ryan came home, I was super sensitive to anything he said and started to break down when Abby said, "she had a rough day." Too cute. She's only four, but is so wise. I love my girl.
13 years ago